Unearth a roaring good time with these prehistoric activities that will ignite the imaginations of young paleontologists!
Small World Swamp: Set up a Jurassic small world scene complete with swampy green Elasti sand or slime where children can excavate fossils and dinosaur bones.
Creative Crafts: Use paint, card and various torn or cut pieces to replicate dinosaurs’ scaly skin.
Marvellous Maths: Create a prehistoric maths area with dinosaur figures, bones and size sorting eggs for children to count, sort, match and order in size
Build Your Own: Construct an erupting volcano using red food colouring, dish soap water, vinegar and baking soda.
Step back in time: Create a dinosaur footpath using dinosaur footprint stones in dough or dip stampers in paint
Ready, Set, Roar: Make giant strides in gross motor skills with big movements using our Chasing Dinosaurs set, Happy Hoppers Dinosaur or get dressed up in our dinosaur onesies and have a dino-sized race!