These playful activities will make minibeasts larger than life and inspire a world of wonder and exploration in every young adventurer...
Forget about bear hunts: Gather your bug hunting gear and go on a scouting mission to see what creepy crawlies you can find near you.
Small World Set-up: Create an intriguing minibeast small world set up to explore the textures and colours of these wondrous creatures.
Creepy Crawly Crafts: Get arty and paint bright buzzing bees, crinkle tissue paper to make textured beetle bodies and sprinkle bio glitter to adorn shimmering butterflies, let your imagination take flight.
Minibeast Maths: Assemble all your bug figures to sort and count for a maths activity, or use them to build vocabulary and language as you discuss their size, colour, habitats and activities.
Curious Tales: Read captivating bug stories filled with adventure and discovery.
Inspecting Insects: Create a fine motor skill tray with bugs, tweezers and masking tape